Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Ok, maybe you are from Poland, maybe you are a statistician, anyhow I have a poll going on. Please feel free to vote and lets see what the results are.

God bless America

Saturday, October 27, 2007

More fun at the CHA

Hey look the rescue squad is back... I know I have missed a few visits between now and the last post.


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

(29+2+1)+3 billion=Mccains in china....

...with a new baby!!!
Congrats to the new critter!!
Glad all are doing well...

Monday, October 15, 2007

If you hit reply to all...

... you should not be afraid to say in front of your mother or a police officer! All privacy issues go out the window... Remember, you did hit REPLY ALL!

Comments from the left?

I am sorry but I have to go off on what you said and on those pictures lol. I dunno, it seems to me that if you're afraid to go buy a gallon of milk, then you have drunk the scaremongering kool-aid that the Bushies have been pushing since 9/11, and thus you have larger problems than a handful of Muslim extremists who are doing nothing more threatening in those pictures than waving some signs around. These pictures are inflammatory - as are the signs the London Muslims are holding. If you go to any demonstration, of any group of any stripe, the slogans and signs are always eye-catching and inflammatory, purposely. To get attention. Did these Muslims actually behead anyone or kill anyone at this rally? Of course they didn't. London has a huge Islamic population, yet they have relatively few episodes of unrest or violence. In fact, most of Europe has much larger Islamic populations in its cities than we have here, and again, they have relatively few incidents of violence or unrest. You only hear the occasional bad report, because of the fact that it IS rare, and so it sells the news. It doesn't make the news every time Joe Bloggs in London buys a pack of smokes from Ahmal the shopkeeper and exchanges pleasantries. That doesn't sell newspapers, and it doesn't advance a scaremongering conservative agenda. But peaceful, normal interactions between Muslims and Christians/Jews/atheists
/agnostics happen every second of every day, with no dirty bomb going off anywhere!

And btw I did see these pictures in the American press when that demonstration went on. Specifically in the conservative press. They milked those pictures for all their xenophobic and racist worth. I think you can go to Michelle Malkin's site and search for 'em. She probably got weeks of material from them.

Anyway I am just not seeing the supposed threat to us here in the U.S. I fell for the Bushie scaremongering back in '01, and I feel like a dupe for doing so. To paraphrase the Who, I won't get fooled again. I certainly won't cast a vote for any Republican. To a man (with the noble exception of Ron Paul - who btw should really drop his racist immigration stand!) they all try to justify torturing other human beings in the name of making us safe.

You are right though that financial matters should have nothing to do with who you vote for. I agree. But neither should we vote for any candidate who will do evil (justify torture, false imprisonment, continuing an unjust war and occupation) in the name of some supposed good ("national security"). No matter how it might benefit us. Personally, I don't care if every last one of us here in the U.S. were wiped out, it would never justify the immoral act of torturing someone. And shame on those candidates, like Giuliani, Romney, that idiot Tancredo, and all the rest, who actually try to justify it, and other evil acts, in the name of keeping us "safe".

The Repubs this term sound like a reincarnation of the Know-Nothings and so I will have nothing to do with them. To be honest I am actually holding my nose at voting for Hillary, I wish she were more pro-life, and I actually wish she were more liberal (like she used to be) on health care and immigration. She has had to moderate her stands on several issues. But I am so damn tired of old white farts of men running this country that I will gladly punch the ballot for her lol.

I just wish there were a socialist party in this country! Well, a viable one anyway hehe.


Saturday, October 06, 2007

Cook Book..

If you all are a little hungry, Crackerz I and others have been collecting recipes and posting them to a "Wiki". If you have any recipes that you would like to share or would like access to post to the wiki drop us a email.

Friday, October 05, 2007

All about perspective

Stats and numbers are a funny thing. You can make them tell a tune to what ever you want. In 2005 (the latest year data are available), total national health expenditures rose 6.9 percent -- two times the rate of inflation (1). Total spending was $2 TRILLION in 2005, or $6,700 per person (1). Total health care spending represented 16 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP). So if this is the case for one year of health care we can pay for the war against the terrorist for 11 years. Assuming war expenditures remain constant at $180 billion per year.


Thursday, October 04, 2007


For those of you who live/have lived here, this will make perfect sense. To
the rest of you, its just amusing. Hope you all enjoy!!!!!!! For the purposes
of this document, we will refer to the area as "Norfolk", pronounced exactly
that way by Northerners who settle here. Southerners who settle here
pronounce it "Nawfuk" and everyone else calls it Norfick".
The word "Norfolk" actually originated in Southern England, gradually over
time as a combination of the words "North" and "Folk", their way of referring
to their brethren to the north.
* Norfolk is composed entirely of roads under construction. The
year-round seasonal weather allows for year-round construction. The only way
to get into downtown is to move there. Don't worry about getting out. Those
arrangements will be made by your next of kin.
* All directions start with "Get on 64..." and somewhere include the
phrase "Turn at the 7-Eleven." Most people navigate the area using Interstate
64 because of oddball location naming. The immediate problem here is that, in
order to access western portions of the area, you have to travel I-64 East.
* I-64, the largest interstate in the state, has two exits that serve
Virginia Beach, the largest city in Virginia. The land mass of the beach
area is approximately 1% of the city's total land area.
* The city of Portsmouth is not at the port's mouth - that would be
* The city of Chesapeake is named for the Chesapeake Bay,15 miles
* Newport News is not a newspaper. The city is, in fact, served by
The Daily Press newspaper, based in Hampton.
* South Norfolk is in Chesapeake and "Suffolk", an old English
combination of 'South" and "Folk" is not south of Norfolk, rather west.
* Hampton Boulevard is in Norfolk and does not go to Hampton.
* Northampton Boulevard is not in the north of Hampton. It is 22
miles southeast of Hampton, in Virginia Beach.
* Chesapeake Boulevard runs parallel to Hampton Boulevard and does
not go to Chesapeake.
* Virginia Beach Boulevard starts in Norfolk and only becomes a
boulevard when you reach Virginia Beach. Portsmouth Boulevard is in
* There is no Norfolk Boulevard but there is a Norfolk Avenue in
Virginia Beach. It does not go to Norfolk.
* Atlantic Avenue parallels the Atlantic Ocean. Strangely, so does
Pacific Avenue.
* Chesapeake Beach, nicknamed "Chic's Beach", is in Virginia Beach.
Chicks do not go there. Chics go there, but it's named after a guy, Chic
* Meanwhile, Ocean View Avenue has no view of the ocean unless you
use a high-powered telescope and a crane.
* Bayview is too far from the Bay to see it and Riverview has no view
of any rivers. Shore Drive has no shore but runs along beside miles and miles
of military bases. Military Highway, an apt name for the main thoroughfare of
a primarily military area, will not actually take you to any military bases.
* Ironically, Independence Boulevard ends at one.
* The Northwest River is actually in the Southeastern part of the
* Deep Creek contains no deep creeks.
* Great Bridge is an affluent area accessed by crossing a drawbridge.
* London Bridge Road has no connection to London and has no bridges. It
is however, falling apart.
* The area of Damneck contains no dams. Oceana Boulevard does not
come near the ocean.
* Norfolk Naval Shipyard is in Portsmouth.
* One of the largest Coast Guard bases on the east coast is in
21 miles from the coast.
* Hilltop, a mildly affluent shopping area, is not on a hill or near
a hill. Actually when it was all fields prior to 1963, you would notice a
slight higher elevation in this area!
* There are no cars at the Chrysler Museum.
* Scope is not a mouthwash- it's a convention center in Norfolk.
* Sometime, just for fun, stop and ask a local for directions to
"downtown Virginia Beach." Chances are, you will be sent to Norfolk. Virginia
Beach has no downtown. They claim to but it is in fact a shopping district
with five squat brown office buildings. And, no hotels.
* No one carpools here, allowing the HOV-reversible lanes to be used
by skateboarders during rush hours. All the tollbooths were taken down a few
years ago, creating one less place for traffic accidents to occur.
* Everyone in the country lived here once or knew someone who did.
You will be hard pressed to find a native of the area. Everyone here is from
somewhere else, due mostly to the fact that Norfolk contains the largest
naval base in the world. When you curse the drivers here for not being able
to drive, you are cursing the drivers of the whole country.

***An additional note: You have to cross at least one bridge or tunnel in
order to get out of the area. Gotta love the water***

Days Hours and Minutes to the end of the Myan Calendar

" name="timezone"/>

Democrat = Tax Cheat

المسلحة الكافر = Armed Infidel

Change has come to Washington D.C.

Our 2009 Tax return to the US Govt = I.O.U.
Thank you California for setting the stage.

Thanks for voting America!