Monday, October 25, 2010

"Pure" Michigan Politics I would vote for him.....

David L. Dewey has a varied work background and now he wants to add county commissioner to that.
Running as an independent and on a campaign which is not spending money on signs or ads, Dewey said he is entering politics because he does not agree with where this country is heading and is not longer going to stand by and watch.
Dewey has worked as a recreation therapist, been in the Peace Corps in Ethiopia, has worked in the Michigan prison system in leisure activities, has sailed extensively and ran a charter service, worked as a mental health case manager, was in ownership of video stores, taught overseas in American schools, was principal for Walkerville Public Schools, was assistant principal/athletic director for Holton High School and has been in ownership of a crematorium. He has worked as a substitute teacher and is now a truck driver.
“And I know what it’s like to be unemployed,” he said.
Dewey is fiscally conservative, and believes the county has to look seriously at what services it can provide within its budget.
Instead of expanding the jail, Dewey said the county should look at less expensive housing for convicted criminals, such as barracks located at the wastewater facility.
Dewey said the county can’t keep adjusting the budget, but must have to make tough decisions on across the boards cuts among all the departments.
In economic development, Dewey said he sees heavy industry coming back into the county, and tourism needs to be promoted better. He suggests a passenger ferry route from Chicago to Muskegon, a casino located on the waterfront, and more promotion of tourism.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The challenge of getting “buy in”

In my organization there are a lot of relatively smart people; college educated, technical folks who understand complex systems.  The challenge I have seen is getting them to “buy in” to a new way of doing things.  As a SharePoint and web 2.0 person, getting others, the types mentioned above, to engage and embrace the new technologies has been a challenge.  You could place some blame on me for not forcing the issue.  However, force is never a good way to convert. 
Failure however is a great conversion tool.  This group was raised on the “C:” drive and understand and are familiar with the digital junkyard known as the “shared drive”.  Although it would be devastating to some, I would like to see the “shared drive” crash.  Then I could go back and say, “Well, if you had moved your files to the cloud, SharePoint etc. you would not have lost all that work.”
Tell me again where did you say you saved that file?  Can you email the latest version of the spread sheet… Pain to my ears…..

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Book Review “Atlas Shrugged”

 By Ayn Rand 

Holy Cow!  1069 pages of micro font!  It took me on average 3 minutes to read a page!  I started this book back in July and just finished it Crazy!  Well, what can I tell you?  It is crazy similar to what is now going on in America. Weird that it was written in the ‘50’s.  If you have the time, I would add it to you “to read” list.  Don’t let the “looters” prevent you from reading this.  Tell them to get out of your way! 

Friday, October 01, 2010

220 Miles on the Trail

Something close to 10 Marathons! 
Did I mention the dust, dirt and rocks?

Days Hours and Minutes to the end of the Myan Calendar

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Democrat = Tax Cheat

المسلحة الكافر = Armed Infidel

Change has come to Washington D.C.

Our 2009 Tax return to the US Govt = I.O.U.
Thank you California for setting the stage.

Thanks for voting America!