"Soon we will launch an attack in Washington that will amaze everyone in the world," Mehsud told The Associated Press by phone. He provided no details.

"Soon we will launch an attack in Washington that will amaze everyone in the world," Mehsud told The Associated Press by phone. He provided no details.
James Carville fired back at radio host Rush Limbaugh on Wednesday, who earlier in the day had taken the Democratic strategist to task for saying of President Bush in 2001, "I certainly hope he doesn't succeed."
Carville told CNN that unlike Limbaugh, who recently said he wants President Obama to fail, Carville retracted his own missive -- uttered to a group of reporters on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001 -- just minutes later, when he learned of the terrorist attacks on America.
"Thank God that I had the good sense to realize that the United States was at war and that changed everything, Carville said. "Once I found out that the country was at war, I said: Whatever I said, disregard it; it's inoperative."
"Unlike Mr. Limbaugh," he added, who "kept insisting that he wanted the president to fail at a time of war."
Carville was responding to Limbaugh's statement earlier Wednesday in an exclusive FOX News report on Carville's 2001 comments.
"The difference between Carville and his ilk and me is that I care about what happens to my country," Limbaugh said. "I am not saying what I say for political advantage. I oppose actions, such as Obama's socialist agenda, that hurt my country.
"I deal in principles, not polls," Limbaugh added. "Carville and people like him live and breathe political exploitation. This is all a game to them. It's not a game to me. I am concerned about the well-being and survival of our nation. When has Carville ever advocated anything that would benefit the country at the expense of his party?"
FOX News revealed Carville's controversial 2001 remark in a story that pointed out the mainstream media's failure to report the statement. By contrast, the press gave major coverage to Limbaugh's expressed hope that Obama fail. The influential conservative has emphasized that he wants Obama's liberal policies to fail, not the president himself.
Click here for the original report on Carville's remark.
At his 2001 breakfast with reporters, Carville was joined by Democratic pollster Stanley Greenberg, who delighted in a survey he had just completed that revealed public misgivings about the newly minted president.
"We rush into these focus groups with these doubts that people have about him, and I'm wanting them to turn against him," Greenberg admitted.
The pollster added with a chuckle of disbelief: "They don't want him to fail. I mean, they think it matters if the president of the United States fails."
I WISH PRESIDENT OBAMA would stop trying to help. Every time he goes on television, gives a speech or does an interview, the stock market drops. The more he helps, the worse the economy gets. My retirement cannot take any more. The economy cannot take any more. Please stop helping.
Scott Fager
Here are some of the budget’s broad strokes:
Good Afternoon ,
On Friday, I asked the Democratic candidates for Governor a simple question: Would they join me in supporting the creation of thousands of new jobs for Virginians, the addition of hundreds of millions in new revenue for healthcare, transportation and education, and a move towards energy independence?
They all said no.
The issue is simple. Virginia has the opportunity to be the first state on the Eastern Seaboard to lease exploration and development rights for natural gas and oil off of our shores. Exploration would take place in a safe, environmentally-friendly manner, 50 miles off our coastline, far out of sight from our beaches.
Unfortunately, the Governor is working to delay this action and all three Democratic candidates for Governor put their special interests ahead of job-creation and economic development, by saying no to offshore exploration and development.
Offshore energy development is one part of an overall solution to our economic and energy challenges. We need to develop and bring to market renewable energy sources like wind, solar, geothermal, and biodiesel. But during this process, we are still going to need traditional energy sources to keep our economy moving, our houses warm, and our cars on the road.
According to one estimate, there are 130 million barrels of oil and 1.14 trillion cubic feet of natural gas off Virginia's coast. A study by a professor at Old Dominion University, forecasts that natural gas production alone off Virginia’s coast would create 2,578 new jobs, and produce $271 million in state and local revenue. Unfortunately, the Democratic candidates said no to Virginia jobs and yes to the special interests.
If you believe we should say yes to Virginia jobs and economic development, click here to contribute or visit www.BobMcDonnell.com to get involved in my campaign.
Bob McDonnell
News Coverage
Northern Virginia Daily: Virginia is sitting on an economic gold mine just waiting to be unleashed, former Republican Attorney General Bob McDonnell said Friday, challenging his three Democratic opponents to join him in supporting offshore oil exploration.
"As governor of Virginia I will support legislation that will open Virginia's offshore waters, starting at 50 miles off the coast, to environmentally safe exploration and drilling for oil and gas," McDonnell said.
NBC 12: “All three candidates (Terry McAuliffe, Creigh Deeds and Brian Moran) released strong statements in opposition to the letter”
The Washington Post: "I urge the Democratic candidates for governor to put aside their pandering to special interests and do what's right for Virginia families,'' McDonnell said. "Democrats need to stop saying no to new jobs and revenue for Virginia."
WHSV: McDonnell, “Offshore production of natural gas and oil is not the entire solution to our economic and energy challenges, but it is part of the solution and we need to stop with the delays and start making progress.
McDonnell For Governor | 2819 North Parham Road, Suite 210 | Richmond | VA | 23294