What is the Cost of Looking the Other Way at Black Racism?: "
Obama’s Dept. of Justice has given Black Panthers a pass to demand the deaths of white babies!
What do you suppose would happen if someone with ties to the Republican Party were to come out of a house with the sign “Whites Only, no blacks allowed” and spout racial hatred suggesting we need to kill blacks and their children?
It would be front page news wouldn’t it? And the entire Republican Party would be called upon to repudiate the racist.
So, why is there not only silence when a black man does the reverse but with a seeming wink and nod coming from Obama’s Dept. of Justice?
National Geographic, not Fox News, presents this view of the hate that emanates from the New Black Panther party in Philadelphia:
Note that Samir Shabazz and Jerry Jackson, seen together in this video, were also the defendants in a prosecution dropped by Obama’s Dept. of Justice for voter intimidation outside a polling place in 2008. Note also that Mr. Jackson, the taller man, is a registered Democrat poll watcher in Philadelphia and an elected member of the Democratic Committee in that city.
It’s hard to square the large message of “PEACE” on the front door of one of the houses the two men leave in the video with statements by Shabazz that “It’s time to Kill Some Crackers! You’re gonna have to Kill their babies!” Archived views of Jackson’s web site (now scrubbed) are equally vile.
But even more troubling are the accusations of J. Christian Adams, a former Dept. of Justice lawyer, who recently testified before the U.S. Civil Rights Commission that his political bosses at DOJ were “hostile” to enforcing any law where blacks victimized whites. “Payback time” is the attitude Adams observed while still at Justice.
With all the phony charges of racism directed at Tea Partiers without a shred of evidence, one might think that the same standard would be applied here. Especially when the New Black Panthers seen here are so willing to make their racial hatred public. In the Tea Party case, reporters sought out elected GOP leaders asking them to repudiate even the unfounded allegations. Can you find multiple examples of where elected Democrats are asked to do the same here?
Can it be that the New Black Panther hatemongers feel empowered by what is obviously a two sided enforcement strategy by Obama’s Dept. of Justice? How sad that Attorney General Eric Holder, perhaps even Obama himself, fail to understand that by looking the other way they encourage racism from all sides!

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