Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Nutz Goes to the Big Apple

Well not really but i did stay at a Holiday Inn Express in Bridgeport Connecticut. Well not even a Holiday Inn Express, but it was a Holiday Inn which was incedentlly located in the hood! The purpose for my stay was to sign for and deliver a brand spankin new helicopter from the Sikorsky factory. This is pretty cool. Anyhow the day began as a late night phone call asking if I would be interested in making the trip? Well I was and so I did. That is of course after I got the head nod from the wife.
A good trip and of course after signing for the aircraft we, Jon Kelley and PO McCullom my crew took the requisite trip west along Long Island sound. We crossed the easten Bourhoughs then turned south down the Hudson. I can say I have flown the Hudson and sailed the Hudson. Flying is quite unique however under sail allows one to really take in all that is to be offered.
We did a couple of laps around lady liberty then boogied over the Varizzano Narrows bridge to Sandy Hook, hugging the coast line all the way to Atlantic City for a quick drink of fuel.
I zapped a few coastie helos, even zapped an HH-65 in the cabin, pretty cool. I also bumped into a Coastie whom was aboard the mighty IWO down in New Orleans. I forgot his name a commander type. Good guy though.

We got our gas and proceded south across the mouth of the Delaware Bay and of course over Dewey Beach! Cool. The trip home was uneventful I Did get a chance to make one last pass over the house and along the beach back to the helport. Not a bad last flight if this was to be my last flight. A good ride!

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Days Hours and Minutes to the end of the Myan Calendar

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Democrat = Tax Cheat

المسلحة الكافر = Armed Infidel

Change has come to Washington D.C.

Our 2009 Tax return to the US Govt = I.O.U.
Thank you California for setting the stage.

Thanks for voting America!