Well there were suprises all the way around last night. One suprise I will not tell you about however the other suprise came all the way from Core-pus Christy Texas for a taco! How about that for dead-ication? I was impress as were the 39 other people that battled the snow and the cold to enjoy a world renowened "Dewey Taco" William you missed out again, as did you CB, I wanted a cajun crawdad with salsa.
Anyhow our surprise from Core-pus was the one and only rockstar, Scotty. That is right friends and neighbors, Scotty hopped a jet liner and made the trip up here to the northern end of dixie. A great suprise to have our old neighbor stop in for a little beef and beans. Although he did rent a car and spend some time at Greenies prior to his entrance. I guese Greenies is good a place as any to kill some time in oceanview.
For those that did not make it to the big fling, we had about 40 of your friends who you never knew you had in attendance. We also had about 4 cases of beer and 15 pounds of taco meet as well. A good time and most everything was consumed. Wow, what a night.
In addition to Scott coming to town, the first snow of the year began to fall a little before midnight so of course a mini snowball fight had to ensue. Good times. Yes we even shotgunned some beers in the garage. Fun but not a whole lot of fun when the beer is coooold. Thanks steve for that idea.
Hey did I mention that Crackerz did shots of whiskey and blew chuncks before going to bed? No suprise there.
It is about 24 hours post execution of the fest and we, Crackerz Scott and i are still draggin butt a little bit. Did not roll out of bed until nearly 10am. I guess that happens when you crawl into bed at 3am. We did have a nice farmers special breakfast with the Chris, Larry and Anne.
I am rambling here so enjoy the pics! There are more pics at ofoto.com Ask Crackerz to put you on the distro.
How about some pictures of the chunks??!! Sorry I missed it, but it sounds like I might be better off. =-)
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