View from the Signature Room on the 95th Floor of the Hancock Building

Yep, me and one of the blue guys.

I had no idea how much I used my hands when I talked.

Nutz and Crackerz at the tavern.
Ok, so I am a little behind in the writing on the blog, what can I tell ya? I can tell ya I am back out on the boat for a couple of weeks, hopefully coming back to sunny Norfolk some time in May. Anyhow we did go to the Windy City for a little work and a lot of pleasure. Crackerz had a presentation to give at a national educator conference and I of course tagged along to see the sites and be Crackerz S.B. Slide Boy or in army terms Slide %itch! She preferred to call me the latter vice the former. Well we had a good time but I think I already mentioned that. I tried my hardest to surprise her with tickets to see Blue Man Group however she is just too darn nosey! We did go and see it, all dressed up and on the “L” to the theater. Surprisingly the theater was not in downtown near our hotel, which incidentally was right across the street from the high rise apartment on the Chicago River that George Jetson and his son Elroy live in. Was that a run on sentence?
I am like on day three of writing up this little news flash of our adventures. I Should have done it on the plane but was too excited to read my Savage Nation book that I bought in Chi town.. Good read and I am only half way through.. So this entry will be a tad late. Maybe Crackerz will be able to go into the blog and see how to back date it to make it an accurate listing of our history.
Back to the whole Blue Man Group thing, the train dropped us off where immediately my GAYDAR went into hyper active mode. Boyztown as it was referred to by the strong back at the Martini bar we indulged in after the show. The martinis were so good I had to carry Crackerz home like a 20 pack of Schlitz light. We actually did make it home after a stop at Ditka for a $180 dinner.. Seems like all the evening meals in Chi town were more then $100 bones.. They were good and the company I was with could not have been better so I guess it was worth it.
We also went to the Adler Planetarium and wandered the streets of Chicago. Did not see a whole lot of interesting things however Chicago is a growing and bustling city. I would live there if a job opened up.
We had great time and are ready to go back anytime Crackerz has a presentation to give. She did a good job by the way, you should see her in action if you ever get the opportunity. A professional woman, who of course I am happy to call my wife. (that should get me some brownie points)
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