Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Is she a hottie or what?

As you all know I like to advertise wine that we come across that is pretty tastey. This is a two part attack if you will. Part one is so we remeber what in the hell we drank and part two tell you all about it because we know that some of our friends have similar tastes! Anyhow this is a special merlot from sunny, actually cloudy California. It came special delivery from some vinyard outside of Gayport San Francisco! The girls said it tasted a little "spicy" and was not too overwelming as some Merlots can be. If you want more info on this particular lable shoot the Cute Neighbor Girl an email. Oh and by the way we are trying to fix her up with some stud who likes to drink wine and can hang with the likes of Larry and Nutz with out being chased off. Beer funneling skills are a plus. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Bill said...

Ahhh. If I was half my age I would meet the other requirements. =-)

Days Hours and Minutes to the end of the Myan Calendar

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Democrat = Tax Cheat

المسلحة الكافر = Armed Infidel

Change has come to Washington D.C.

Our 2009 Tax return to the US Govt = I.O.U.
Thank you California for setting the stage.

Thanks for voting America!