Monday, October 15, 2007

Comments from the left?

I am sorry but I have to go off on what you said and on those pictures lol. I dunno, it seems to me that if you're afraid to go buy a gallon of milk, then you have drunk the scaremongering kool-aid that the Bushies have been pushing since 9/11, and thus you have larger problems than a handful of Muslim extremists who are doing nothing more threatening in those pictures than waving some signs around. These pictures are inflammatory - as are the signs the London Muslims are holding. If you go to any demonstration, of any group of any stripe, the slogans and signs are always eye-catching and inflammatory, purposely. To get attention. Did these Muslims actually behead anyone or kill anyone at this rally? Of course they didn't. London has a huge Islamic population, yet they have relatively few episodes of unrest or violence. In fact, most of Europe has much larger Islamic populations in its cities than we have here, and again, they have relatively few incidents of violence or unrest. You only hear the occasional bad report, because of the fact that it IS rare, and so it sells the news. It doesn't make the news every time Joe Bloggs in London buys a pack of smokes from Ahmal the shopkeeper and exchanges pleasantries. That doesn't sell newspapers, and it doesn't advance a scaremongering conservative agenda. But peaceful, normal interactions between Muslims and Christians/Jews/atheists
/agnostics happen every second of every day, with no dirty bomb going off anywhere!

And btw I did see these pictures in the American press when that demonstration went on. Specifically in the conservative press. They milked those pictures for all their xenophobic and racist worth. I think you can go to Michelle Malkin's site and search for 'em. She probably got weeks of material from them.

Anyway I am just not seeing the supposed threat to us here in the U.S. I fell for the Bushie scaremongering back in '01, and I feel like a dupe for doing so. To paraphrase the Who, I won't get fooled again. I certainly won't cast a vote for any Republican. To a man (with the noble exception of Ron Paul - who btw should really drop his racist immigration stand!) they all try to justify torturing other human beings in the name of making us safe.

You are right though that financial matters should have nothing to do with who you vote for. I agree. But neither should we vote for any candidate who will do evil (justify torture, false imprisonment, continuing an unjust war and occupation) in the name of some supposed good ("national security"). No matter how it might benefit us. Personally, I don't care if every last one of us here in the U.S. were wiped out, it would never justify the immoral act of torturing someone. And shame on those candidates, like Giuliani, Romney, that idiot Tancredo, and all the rest, who actually try to justify it, and other evil acts, in the name of keeping us "safe".

The Repubs this term sound like a reincarnation of the Know-Nothings and so I will have nothing to do with them. To be honest I am actually holding my nose at voting for Hillary, I wish she were more pro-life, and I actually wish she were more liberal (like she used to be) on health care and immigration. She has had to moderate her stands on several issues. But I am so damn tired of old white farts of men running this country that I will gladly punch the ballot for her lol.

I just wish there were a socialist party in this country! Well, a viable one anyway hehe.



Nutz said...

Wow... Please don't call the cops to come save you when some evil doer is raping your child, don't call on the government to deliver some sort of aid in your hour of need! Rugged individualism, learn how to grow and can tomatoes and wear a burka! We all are entitled to our opinions. The benefit I have of my opinions is knowledge not shared with the general public. We can leave it at that. "It cant happen here attitude" is poor, it has, it can and it will that is why we have cops. When it does, happen again, don't complain, grow your tomatoes.

Don't forget that it was not out of work Danes rioting in Paris not too long ago. If you have never lived there you don't know what is going on. It was not the Swedes who flew jetliners into buildings, bombed the same buildings, blew up a ship, bombed a couple of barracks, hijacked some jetliners, killed some Olympians, killed a dude in a wheel chair, and on and on... and force little old ladies, boy scouts and babies, every single day to take off their shoes before they get on a jetliner to visit granny for Christmas!

BTW when that evil doer is finally captured and has your child shivering in a cold dark room some place unknown... remember, the evil doer can be talked to and will give you the directions to his hide away! Maybe part of a plea deal, especially if his name is Juan, Jose or Akhmed!

Pro life, don't have an abortion, stay out of my life and I will stay out of yours, plus my taxes should not have to pay for your food stamps, WIC and free school lunches. Mine should go to defending our way of life, building our infrastructure and increasing business and opportunity.

If you cant afford your child who by the way is still shivering in that cold dark room, then you should not have one. But if you do, don't come to big govt looking for reduced health care you should have a good job that provides you with health care. However when you finally have a heart attack and have to wait a few hours until your death because the overloaded national heath care system was too busy working on jose, juan and akhmed, don't complain and remember that you did not even have the ability to save your child but you did have the means! When what is left of your family, harvests all of your tomatoes for the year and the government comes and takes all of your tomatoes and gives you only what you will need, you will know that you have arrived! Socialism did the Russians well now did it not?

Opinions are great, we all have them!!
Have a great night..

Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for publishing my comments! I hereby grant you permission, forthwith, etc, etc, [insert legalese here], lol.

Just fyi, good form dictates that you give me a heads-up when you are going to print my private emails publicly on tha intarwebz. Next time you want to try to hold someone's private emails up for ridicule, you might want to think about that. The law and all. Cause you're into that whole law and order thing, you know? I'm just sayin'. :D

And I have to say, re-reading this partial exchange again, I'm sorry, but when you have to resort to threats of child rape, vague references to "evildoers" (do you write W's speeches?), and "cold dark rooms", well, then I'm sorry, but you've already lost the argument.

You have no facts to offer, just fear, fear, and more fear. Oh, and racism.

But have fun continuing to caricature people's views, and living in fear of folks who have skin darker than yours! Maybe you can share some of those tomatoes you're obviously smoking lol...


Days Hours and Minutes to the end of the Myan Calendar

" name="timezone"/>

Democrat = Tax Cheat

المسلحة الكافر = Armed Infidel

Change has come to Washington D.C.

Our 2009 Tax return to the US Govt = I.O.U.
Thank you California for setting the stage.

Thanks for voting America!