Monday, March 28, 2011

Media Matters' war against Fox

“guerrilla warfare and sabotage”

Why exactly?

Maybe the numbers are talking and the BS is walking?

Clink image for all ratings for the day... FOX is king!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Small Nuke Power

Something to consider...

"The Navy has deployed more than 500 nuclear reactors since 1948 and never experienced a reactor accident"

Here is an interesting read from the National Defense University using small nuke reactors to power military bases and forward deployed locations.  Better yet to remote locations in Alaska or other parts of the country!  Read the Business Week article or the Bloomberg Article.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sierra Club Opposes Job Creation and Saving Lives!

All in the name of "protecting" the environment.  Well, that is if you if you read between the lines of a recent news report from the the Sierra Club opposes the expansion of a section of US-460 between Suffolk and Petersburg. 

By expanding the roadway, jobs will be created in the form of construction, jobs will be created in the form of Hampton Roads having a more robust and inviting transportation network making its harbors and ports more commercially friendly, by expanding US 460 more people would be able to get out of Hampton Roads if and when an evacuation is required.  Expanding US-460 would speed up traffic coming and going to the region as an alternate from I-64.

So, you can pollute the environment as you sit in traffic on the weekends on I-64 now and in the future, or you can help the environment by quickly getting to your destination.  Who knows, an expanded US -460 might even save your life.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Who is Samantha Power and why should I care?

Well, incredibly, it seems as if she may be one of the chief "behind the scenes" reasons why we are in Libya bombing our little hearts out!  Huh?
Samantha is President Obama's "National Security Advisor on Human Rights."  Supposedly, she has direct access to Obama on human rights issues.  What does that mean?  It means that she attended a function as the representative of the White House in November 2010 called the International Symposium on Preventing Genocide and Mass Atrocities.  Guess who's a member of the clique that makes the rounds of meetings like that?  How about none other than our good friend and world government proponent George "No Borders" Soros.
In her position in the Obama administration, Power argues for a doctrine dubbed the Responsibility to Protect.  This doctrine is being embraced as a governmental golden rule to justify the penetration of national borders to prevent the sort of atrocities, real and imagined, orchestrated by Gadhafi in Libya.  If you're a "No Borders" guy like Soros, how clever is it to support the implementation of a philosophy that mobilizes the entire might of the US military into a region without a formal declaration of war from the US Congress?  The previous sentence read backwards means "without the consent of the American people." 
Give the devil his due, Soros knows what he wants and knows how to get it.  Soros backs corrupt politicians who are ready to trade national sovereignty for campaign contributions leading to power.  Libya is a test by the Obama administration for future incursions like we are witnessing on the evening news.
John Boehner, Speaker of the House, seems to sense that there's a rat in the mill and is chastising Obama for US involvement in Libya without Congressional approval.  However laudable, Boehner's objections come as our planes are still flying over Libya, US war ships are still steaming in the Med and there's no telling which countries Obama may have in his sights next: Syria?  Yemen?  Bahrain?  Saudi Arabia?
Yes sir, Middle East chaos reigns supreme and that's just how Obama wants it!  Let's see, we still have Africa, South America, the Far East......
John P. Kuchta, Jr.
Virginia Beach, VA

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Nuclear Power

It is kind of interesting, if  you do a google search for  "Japanese Nuclear power deaths" there are............. NONE!

The World Health Organization estimates that as many as 65,161 people a year worldwide die from too much sun, mostly from malignant skin cancer.  Compare this to the deaths directly attributed to the nuclear reactor accident which was caused by the way, by an earth quake followed by a tsunmai!

 (Most of the radiation is coming from the spent fuel rods then the reactor core!  Can you say Yucca?)

However, if you search for "Japanese earth quake deaths" there are according to Fox News..The number of deaths from the March 11 earthquake and tsunami in Japan rose Tuesday to 9,079, while another 12,645 are still missing."

Granted, radiation is not necessarily a good thing for individual humans;  however, there are still lots of people going to sunny climates in the winter to help up their doses of "solar" radiation

So you should ask yourself, do I feel safer living next to a nuclear reactor or living  under the sun in an earth quake zone?

Get from the Fed and State!

Mayor Bing... We the people are tired of giving to Detroit!  Why don't you figure out how to do for yourself... Maybe the unions can give Detroit a cash infusion?

"If we could go out and identify another 40,000 people that were missed, and it brings us over the threshold of 750,000, that would make a difference from what we can get from the federal and state government," Mr. Bing said at a news conference Tuesday. From

Monday, March 21, 2011

Post World War II European Arrogace

The Truman Doctrine, put forth by President Harry Truman when he addressed Congress on March 12, 1947, essentially stated:

"The United States will defend free people and their free institutions at any place at any point in the world where outside communist aggression threatens that nation's internal stability."

The Marshall Plan and the Berlin Airlift

The United States was now committed actively to opposing the spread of Soviet-style Communism. The first plan that put this policy to use on a large scale was the Economic Recovery Plan of 1947, also known as the "Marshall Plan." In a commencement speech at Harvard University on June 5, 1947, George C. Marshall, a former general and now Truman's secretary of state, proposed that the nation make a huge economic commitment to rebuild the war-torn nations of Western Europe. 

His objective was to "restore the confidence of the European people in the economic future of their own countries and of Europe as a whole." Marshall believed that the American economy depended on open markets. Thus, rebuilding the economies of Europe would guarantee American prosperity by providing an outlet for the nation's goods. 

Marshall also contended that economic stability in Europe would translate into political stability, that Communism would have little appeal to well-fed and employed Europeans. 

Between 1948 and 1951, the United States sent $13 billion in aid to Western European nations. West Germany benefited the most from the plan. Between 1947 and 1951, a period that historians refer to as the "German miracle," West Germany's economic output increased 312%. 

As the United States invested heavily in the reconstruction of Western Europe, it also struggled with the Soviet Union for influence in Eastern Europe. This struggle became evident during the 1948 Soviet blockade of Berlin. After the end of World War II, the Allies had divided the city of Berlin, and the country of Germany as a whole, into four zones, one controlled by the Soviet Union, and the other three controlled by Great Britain, France, and the United States.

In response to growing American economic and military power  in Europe, the Soviet Union cut off western links to Berlin, which was located inside the Soviet-occupied zone.

Truman, in turn, ordered a massive, year-long airlift of medical supplies, food and clothing for West Berliners. Eventually, the Soviets lifted the blockade. In 1948 and 1949, however, the Soviet Union sponsored Communist revolutions in Eastern-bloc countries such as Czechoslovakia, Romania, and Hungary.

In response, in April 1949, twelve nations of Western Europe and North America signed the North Atlantic Treaty, creating the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The goal of NATO was to coordinate the defense of Western Europe. An attack on any of its member nations was equal to an attack on all, with each nation obliged to battle their common foe. 

Primary support, both militarily and monetarily, came from the United States.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Our European arrogance
in alphabetical order 
1. The American Cemetery at Aisne-Marne, France... A total of 2289
2. The American Cemetery at Ardennes, Belgium... A total of 5329
3. The American Cemetery at Brittany, France... A total of 4410
4. Brookwood, England - American Cemetery... A total of 468
5. Cambridge, England... A total of 3812
6. Epinal, France - American Cemetery... A total of 5525
7. Flanders Field, Belgium... A total of 368
8. Florence, Italy... A total of 4402
9. Henri-Chapelle, Belgium... A total of 7992
10. Lorraine , France... A total of 10,489
11. Luxembourg, Luxembourg... A total of 5076
12. Meuse-Argonne... A total of 14246
13. Netherlands, Netherlands... A total of 8301
14.  Normandy, France... A total of 9387
15. Oise-Aisne, France... A total of 6012
16. Rhone, France... A total of 861
17. Sicily, Italy... A total of 7861
18. Somme, France... A total of 1844
19. St. Mihiel, France... A total of 4153
20.  Suresnes, France... A total of 1541

Apologize to no one. Remind those of our sacrifice and don't 
confuse arrogance with leadership.
The count is
dead, brave Americans.

And we have to watch an
 American elected leader who apologizes to Europe and the Middle East that our country is "arrogant"!

Most of the protected don't understand it.

A bad day for Jet drivers!

Not the correct way to land a fast mover!
However, it could be the first air to air engagement in a LONG time....

Obama, Reid and Environmentalist to Blame (in part) for Jap Nuke Disaster!

Yes, President Obama by nixing funding and Senator Reid’s continual campaign against protecting the world from radioactive waste and the perpetual “what if’s” by environmentalists based on fear and not facts have helped lay the ground work for Japan’s Nuclear disaster.
"This is great news because it not only prevents Nevada from becoming the nation's nuclear dumping ground, it also protects hundreds of communities through which the waste would have had to travel in order to get to Yucca," said Senate majority leader Harry Reid, who represents Nevada, in a statement released Sunday on his website. (From

Japanese spent nuclear fuel (where there is more radioactive material then in the core) could have been safely transported and stored in one of the most researched and geological sound and safest places in America.  Instead of trucks, trains, boats and planes, a plume of radioactive dust will make its way to Yucca Mountain via the jet stream contaminating the Eastern coast of Japan and soon our American West coast and the Pacific Ocean.  

We could have even charged the Japanese for the storage of their waste.  Now we are going to spend untold millions to evacuate our citizens, move our ships and help clean up the mess!  Thank you Obama, Reid and environmentalists for being such great stewards of our environment, tax dollars and not listening to the professionals!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Birthday Cards from around the World!

I wanted to make a collage of these pictures and I finally did!  All 57 states and a couple of far off countries!
Birthday Cards

Book Review: "Broke" by Glenn Beck

Ok, so I finished this on off about a month ago and am just now getting around to writing the review.  I can honestly say that I have never read a text book from cover to cover.  I the case of this book, which is laid out in a similar fashion as text book, I did, minus of course the fifty or so pages of citations.  Facts can be such stubborn things.  

There are some great lessons on our nations history and some good quotes from the Founding Fathers and other notable leaders and thinkers through the ages.  If anything, Mr. Beck has gotten me in to the books and expanded my knowledge of America and its history.  I think my next major read after finishing the Federalist Papers is going to be Alexis de Tocqueville's Democracy in America.

So much to read and I am such a SLOW reader.

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Captain Honor and Senior Military leadership

 I thought this was interesting..

Unfortunately the "standard" is a moving bar based on CYOA or political expediency?

To further the point, in this day and age, how many young Naval officers would "survive" a court martial conviction, remain in the service and rise to become the CNO? (Nimitz did)

Or, in the case of Patton would he have received a 4th star after his Italy stunt.

A politically correct military has and will cost the lives of many a good Americans!  But we should feel good about it..I am sure the letters to the parents of the Airmen killed in Frankfurt were easy to write because the "standard" is such that our soldiers don't need to be armed unless they are in the combat zone. It would not be "politically correct" to not trust the Germans with the safety and security of our military members. Wake up leadership! Remember what your roll is.  Send your subordinates home alive after rapidly and efficiently killing the enemy! If it involves using the naked brutal realities of life to get their attention, to learn their jobs then so be it! I know very little of the Honors case but I know reality from the field or deck plates in naval lingo, the examples of senior military leadership with respect to political correctness and CYOA sucks! By their actions, senior leadership is developing a group of leaders who will not risk when it is time to risk for fear of being burned at the stake for making a "politically" poor decision.  I guess the former CO of the Cole would be one of the few who would agree with me or maybe the senior rater for Major Hasan...

Say good by to focsil follies, shellback shenanigans and be real careful what movies are on CCTV.  Brokeback Mountain or Blazing Saddles might get you relieved. 

I would leave my name however I am fearful of the repercussions of speaking freely.  Where were the smokes in the C-rations again that's right next to the torpedos...NOT!

Saturday, March 05, 2011

Book Review: The 5,000 Year Leap by Cleon Skousen

This book is something all warriors and patriots alike should keep close by.  A very good read and laid out in such a manner that you can read chapter every night.  As an added bonus the Constitution, Declaration of Independence and Thomas Paine’s Common Sense is also in the back of the book.

The basic focus of the book revolves around the Founding Fathers ideas in their development of the American experiment.  Their personal experiences with a king as a ruler and their exploration of history, as we should all very well know resulted in the combination of the best of all methods of governance.  In really simple terms all boiled down to a small, restricted government at the federal level.

Considering we are the only country on the planet who has come so far in such a short amount of time is testament to their original idea.  Man can rule himself!

Friday, March 04, 2011

Boo to Navy Federal Credit Union

Navy Federal Credit Union has an ATM Machine on Camp Lemonier, Djibouti.   They have the ONLY ATM machine on camp.  As a honor of having the ONLY ATM machine on the camp, they charge all NON NFCU users a $3 dollar service fee to use their machine. 

So, NFCU get access to all the folks here on base, security, power, communications services and a Navy NEX employee services the machine. All NFCU has to do is work the magic crediting their accounts with your money and the $3 dollar service fee!  For some reason I do not see the any portion of the $3 dollar service fee coming back to DJ??

I think I am going to open up the first national bank of Nutz and only charge $1.50 and watch the profits roll in! 

Days Hours and Minutes to the end of the Myan Calendar

" name="timezone"/>

Democrat = Tax Cheat

المسلحة الكافر = Armed Infidel

Change has come to Washington D.C.

Our 2009 Tax return to the US Govt = I.O.U.
Thank you California for setting the stage.

Thanks for voting America!