Saturday, March 19, 2011

Obama, Reid and Environmentalist to Blame (in part) for Jap Nuke Disaster!

Yes, President Obama by nixing funding and Senator Reid’s continual campaign against protecting the world from radioactive waste and the perpetual “what if’s” by environmentalists based on fear and not facts have helped lay the ground work for Japan’s Nuclear disaster.
"This is great news because it not only prevents Nevada from becoming the nation's nuclear dumping ground, it also protects hundreds of communities through which the waste would have had to travel in order to get to Yucca," said Senate majority leader Harry Reid, who represents Nevada, in a statement released Sunday on his website. (From

Japanese spent nuclear fuel (where there is more radioactive material then in the core) could have been safely transported and stored in one of the most researched and geological sound and safest places in America.  Instead of trucks, trains, boats and planes, a plume of radioactive dust will make its way to Yucca Mountain via the jet stream contaminating the Eastern coast of Japan and soon our American West coast and the Pacific Ocean.  

We could have even charged the Japanese for the storage of their waste.  Now we are going to spend untold millions to evacuate our citizens, move our ships and help clean up the mess!  Thank you Obama, Reid and environmentalists for being such great stewards of our environment, tax dollars and not listening to the professionals!

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Democrat = Tax Cheat

المسلحة الكافر = Armed Infidel

Change has come to Washington D.C.

Our 2009 Tax return to the US Govt = I.O.U.
Thank you California for setting the stage.

Thanks for voting America!