www.wnis.com Tony Macrini raised an interesting question with respect to
Rush Limbaugh. The question, in general terms was something along these
lines. Would Rush be a rebel, against the crown of England or a
lockstep torry in full support of the Kings actions here in the
Colonies. I think this is a very difficult question to answer. However
the founding fathers not only gave us the right, but told us to do so
when the conditions of the established government become destructive to
our rights of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness...
...That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these
ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to
institute new Government...
....it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government...
U.S. Declaration Of Independence
The bigger issue is how to rally the masses to support one agenda to
change a particular part or action of the government. Although I am not
suggesting or supporting insurrection within the United States, I do
believe that we the people, in order to make changes with in our
communities and governments need to rally as a whole, and not fragmented
behind issues affecting the people. I can almost guarantee with
certainty that if 10,000 people showed up every single time the city
council met to address one issue with one agreed upon solution by the
people the peoples voice would be heard and the issue rapidly addressed.
A one time showing of the people would not incite the change it would
have to be consistent and growing crowd in order to affect change.
As for Rush, who knows?? In my case, well depends on which side of the
proverbial "pond" my interest lie. I know as an officer in the
military, I would have a real hard time ordering my subordinates to open
fire on my countrymen in any situation other then self defense.
Just some food for thought.