Friday, June 12, 2009

From I saw that

"Chet Szymecki of open-carry-gun-toting fame. Recently Norfolk gave him $15,000. He’s now suing again. Every policeman in town ought to memorize this fellow’s features and then leave him alone. To gun enthusiasts, he’s the man. The rest of us at least recognize his name as he’s often in the news.

Some day Mr. Szymecki will meet the criminal against whom he’s carried protection all these years. The criminal will come up from behind, place a gun to the back of Mr. Szymecki’s head, and say, “Give me your wallet.”

Will Mr. Szymecki have time to unsnap his holster, seize his gun, take off the safety, aim, and shoot before the criminal pulls his own trigger? Unfortunately, no. Meanwhile, Chet Szymecki serves as one of our unusual people. A man with a cause."

Nutz Comments- You can rest assured that if the above scenario ever happens, Mr. Szymecki will save the tax payers of the Common Wealth hundreds of thousands of dollars in court fees, investigation fees, incarceration fees by simply putting 3 $.38 cent .45 caliber bullets in the back of the criminal who just threatened the life of an innocent citizen. Maybe all the criminals should become more familiar with Mr Szymecki and look for easier pray maybe the stenographer for Ahno and Porque. Now that Michael Vick is back in town maybe he can volunteer as a community service to take them, Ahno and Porque for a walk?

Oh, once again, the point is proven, when seconds count the police are minutes away.

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Days Hours and Minutes to the end of the Myan Calendar

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Democrat = Tax Cheat

المسلحة الكافر = Armed Infidel

Change has come to Washington D.C.

Our 2009 Tax return to the US Govt = I.O.U.
Thank you California for setting the stage.

Thanks for voting America!