Why does the Brady Center want to leave the innocent unprotected?
"It is a case that calls out for common sense," Brady Center attorney Daniel Vice said then. "It's ridiculous to bring a gun to a child's soccer game."
So, the Brady center must think it is also ridiculous to bring a gun to child's classroom or a center of higher learning or a National Forrest?
So, all of you police officers, leave your bullet launchers at home, it is ridiculous to bring a gun where children are present, especially you police officers at Virginia Tech, and Columbine HS Colorado, The Amish School in PA, and the school at Winnenden Germany and many others!
"Children were sitting at their tables, with pencils still in their hands, their heads fallen over on the table," said regional police director Ralf Michelfelder, describing the grisly scene that his officers found. "Most of them had shots in their head — it must have all happened in seconds."
NUTZ: Too bad the police were minutes away when seconds counted to stop this needless act of violence. Why does the Brady Center want to prevent people from being able to protect themselves from criminals?
Still not convinced, the Brady Center should also be complicent in the recent murder of two Virginia Tech students in The Jefferson National Forrest.
Friday, August 28th 2009,
Virginia Tech students David Lee Metzler, Heidi Lynn Child found slain at Jefferson National Forest
Jul 30, 2009
Washington, DC - A federal court today permanently vacated a last-minute Bush Administration rule allowing the carrying of loaded, concealed firearms in national parks and wildlife refuges. Responding to lawsuits filed by the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence and parks groups, the court had previously issued a temporary injunction staying enforcement of the Bush rule, finding that the rule was “astoundingly flawed” and issued in violation of the National Environmental Policy Act.I am sure Mike Peters of Mother Goose and Grimm would like to redue his strip from August 31st 2009

Is your Kid safe today?
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