Friday, February 19, 2010

Northam Update RE SB334

So what is more important to Senator Northam, the safety of the general public or infringing on the rights of the citizens of the commonwealth?  

If Senator Northam is concerned about the safety of the general public when it comes to bars and restaurants which serve alcohol; maybe legislation should be introduced and passed which makes it a crime to consume alcohol while in possession of car keys while in a bar or restaurant.  If you are a car driver you need to ensure that your car keys are clearly visible and not concealed. After all alcohol/automobile deaths in 2008 were 300 plus and injuries were over 6000. 

How many alcohol related gun deaths were there by "licensed" concealed weapon carriers?  Might be quite a revealing study?  Anybody have any good stats?

In Senator Northam's words:

"I believe that we must strike a balance between protecting individual liberties, and protecting the public at large, and I also believe that is consistent with being a supporter of Second Amendment rights.  Repealing the ban on concealed weapons in restaurants serving alcohol is not in the interest of public safety.  I have heard from many in the law enforcement and business communities who agree.  While we may not see eye to eye on this issue, I thank you for writing, and hope that you will continue to contact my office on matters of importance to you. 
Ralph S. Northam
Senator, Virginia's 6th District "

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Change has come to Washington D.C.

Our 2009 Tax return to the US Govt = I.O.U.
Thank you California for setting the stage.

Thanks for voting America!