Saturday, March 27, 2010
Days 17, 18, 19, 20, 21
Day 17 Monday Did our convoy event today. As how I lived this in a former life time, I was unanimously selected to be the convoy commander. Our group did well, no vehicle got smoked so I guess that means we paid attention in class. However that might not be the case in reality. A serious training event as how the modus operandi of our enemy is to use IEDs.
In the evening we had in interesting visit from the Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Roughhead. We were allowed to ask questions. Mine, late in the game, concerend the new health care legislation and how it would affect the military. He said Tricare will remain untouched with the exception of coverage for adult kids going from 23 to 26. We shall see how long Tricare and VA health care benefits remain untouched. Oh that is right, VA medical benefits for our veterans is a good service?! He is a black-shoe.. I was not impressed!
Also got a travel brief. Glad I am not going to Udari Range!
Day 18 Tuesday today we had a class on the code of conduct. Although it centered around the Geneva convention, I would have really like to have known how our enemies view the Geneva convention. I am sure they are huge supporters. We also turned in weapons and other non essential gear.
Day 19 Wednesday. We really did not do a whole lot today other then prep to move. Some folks were headed to the airport for a charter flight to the desert, others were waiting for a bus or in our case commercial flights, which we still did not have tickets. Ugh!
Day 20 Thursday Our travel day after much much craziness to get the flights and stuff. I do not like the center row of an airplane unless I can snuggle up with the people to me left and right!
In the evening we had in interesting visit from the Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Roughhead. We were allowed to ask questions. Mine, late in the game, concerend the new health care legislation and how it would affect the military. He said Tricare will remain untouched with the exception of coverage for adult kids going from 23 to 26. We shall see how long Tricare and VA health care benefits remain untouched. Oh that is right, VA medical benefits for our veterans is a good service?! He is a black-shoe.. I was not impressed!
Also got a travel brief. Glad I am not going to Udari Range!
Day 18 Tuesday today we had a class on the code of conduct. Although it centered around the Geneva convention, I would have really like to have known how our enemies view the Geneva convention. I am sure they are huge supporters. We also turned in weapons and other non essential gear.
Day 19 Wednesday. We really did not do a whole lot today other then prep to move. Some folks were headed to the airport for a charter flight to the desert, others were waiting for a bus or in our case commercial flights, which we still did not have tickets. Ugh!
Day 20 Thursday Our travel day after much much craziness to get the flights and stuff. I do not like the center row of an airplane unless I can snuggle up with the people to me left and right!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Check out what is in front of my Hotel
Teaparty express will be in Searchlight, NV with Sara Palin on Saturday... Might be time for a road trip!
See the snow on the mountains.... Wish I had the time and forethought to bring the skiis! :(
See the snow on the mountains.... Wish I had the time and forethought to bring the skiis! :(
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Why would congress need protection from their constituents?
Maybe congress should listen to their constituents before requesting protection from their constituents!
However, threats and violence are nothing new for the American populace when faced with a government that does not listen and respond to the governed. Although I do not necessary agree with violence at this point within the country against our elected representatives; the government should review the document that formed our country and the right and duty, we as citizens of this great experiment have to provide for our future security.
Anyone remember reading this passage in US Civics class?
That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
And hence the 2nd Amendment...
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
And why the second amendment?
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government" -- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334
However, threats and violence are nothing new for the American populace when faced with a government that does not listen and respond to the governed. Although I do not necessary agree with violence at this point within the country against our elected representatives; the government should review the document that formed our country and the right and duty, we as citizens of this great experiment have to provide for our future security.
Anyone remember reading this passage in US Civics class?
That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
And hence the 2nd Amendment...
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
And why the second amendment?
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government" -- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Days 13, 14, 15, 16
Happiness is being behind a belt fed weapon!
Day 13 Thursday Machine Gun Day / Reflexive Fire / Stress Fire
Today was fun, we shot the M240 7.62mm, the M249 5.56mm, and the old faithful "Ma Deuce" at the heart thumping .50 cal or 14.7MM awesome. Unfortunately, with these weapons, there is never enough ammo to go around and we only got 25rnd per person to expend! Boy do they go fast!!!! Sad, but fun none the less.

Reflexive Fire was fun with lots of turning and shooting from the standing ready position. Stress fire was exactly that, we ran an "obstacle" course while shooting live rounds and the drill instructors were yelling at us.
Day 14 Friday Simulated night fire / Scenario Fire / Building Clearing/ IED Brief
A busy day however a bit relaxed. The night and simulated fire were all conducted in a darkened, "laser tag" building with rifles hooked up to a computer to monitor your "shooting" Kind of neat and an interesting business opportunity. building clearing was just your average class in the MOUT facility to learn how to clear a room or building if you had to. More or less a talk thought with a couple of hands on lessons. I never did kick down the door.
The IED brief was good, however the timing was poor, after lunch on a warm sunny afternoon after a long and busy week! Most of the class had a hard time staying awake which was unfortunate as the information delivered in the 2 hour class was good! This class should have been broken up with some of the more dramatic pieces being delivered the first day of the program to "shock" people into the reason why we are doing all of this training.
Day 15 Saturday Map Reading
Now this class should have been broken up in to smaller "chunks" and delivered from the start of the program. We should have had 4 hours of IED training vice 4 hours of map reading on a SATURDAY! ugh..
What was left of the day was used well and we rented some cars and explored our neighborhood in detail!
Day 16 Sunday Off Day
Not a whole lot was accomplished today other then mental recovery. Slept in late 730am. Went to the officers club for brunch, fantastic. A quick trip to the exchanges, dropped the rental cars off at the airport. Some phone calls, cab rides. Dinner was out on the town via the MWR van to Sumo's Japanese Steak house. My fried rice is still better!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Days 9, 10, 11, 12
So I am a little behind on the updates so here goes:
Sunday Day 9 Off day yippee! We slept in late as to the "spring forward" Went to the Officers club for an awesome $13.95 sunday brunch. Farted around at the exchanges and had to come back for a 1600 briefing. Then it was back out to the Mall where we had 5 guys for dinner and a little time at books a million.
Monday Day 10 Medical Stand Down: So we slept in a little, had a medical briefing and those that needed it got poked and prodded by the medical Staff. Thankfully for me, I only had to do the brain trauma pre-examination. In short, a test that examines brain function prior to an injury. We had a couple of classes on first aide in the afternoon and were done early.
Tuesday Day 11. M16 Pre-qualification
Today was a 0445 wake up were we went to the rifle range to shoot the M16 more. Lots of ammunition is being expended to the get the sailors up to speed for shooting the weapon. We shot 160rnd apiece. Came back, cleaned out weapons and had a very aggressive SGT from Egypt give us a middle eastern culture brief. As a bonus the USO van came and handed out free pizza, wings and soda!
Wednesday, Day 12 M16 Qualification: Shot the M16 on the pop up range. I shot 35 out of 40. Not too shabby. We came home, cleaned our weapons, were issued our NBC (Nuke Bio Chemical) over garments, had a class on battle field stress and were out early.
Sunday Day 9 Off day yippee! We slept in late as to the "spring forward" Went to the Officers club for an awesome $13.95 sunday brunch. Farted around at the exchanges and had to come back for a 1600 briefing. Then it was back out to the Mall where we had 5 guys for dinner and a little time at books a million.
Monday Day 10 Medical Stand Down: So we slept in a little, had a medical briefing and those that needed it got poked and prodded by the medical Staff. Thankfully for me, I only had to do the brain trauma pre-examination. In short, a test that examines brain function prior to an injury. We had a couple of classes on first aide in the afternoon and were done early.
Tuesday Day 11. M16 Pre-qualification
Today was a 0445 wake up were we went to the rifle range to shoot the M16 more. Lots of ammunition is being expended to the get the sailors up to speed for shooting the weapon. We shot 160rnd apiece. Came back, cleaned out weapons and had a very aggressive SGT from Egypt give us a middle eastern culture brief. As a bonus the USO van came and handed out free pizza, wings and soda!
Wednesday, Day 12 M16 Qualification: Shot the M16 on the pop up range. I shot 35 out of 40. Not too shabby. We came home, cleaned our weapons, were issued our NBC (Nuke Bio Chemical) over garments, had a class on battle field stress and were out early.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Day 8 Working on a Saturday, what a Bummer!
..and to wake up at 0345 sucks as well. In-spite of waking up early we did have a good day all things considered. No one got killed although some one tried, ( a different story for a different forum) and we got to shoot pistols all morning!
What could be more fun than that?
Well of course Keith and Chandy's annual St. Patty's day party but it looks like I was there for that as well!
However I just guarded the booze and then went to BW3 for some wings after the party!
The sister in the background is really enjoying the fact that I have a 6" tongue!
This is "Odo" a cop from Boston with a REALLY thick accent! Good guy and enjoyed the abuse I gave him as we all got hammered drinking our cokes! Classic Nutz! A little decompression after running around like tools all week long. I did get some new boots today. After we got released a few of us went to the exchange as how all week our "dogs" were barking. The lowest bidder some times is not the best bidder for military Boots. I decided on the Danner Boots!
They just felt good on my foot. I have a pair of Danner's that I wear hunting and they are fantastic. Will let ya know more about these as time goes by!
What could be more fun than that?
Well of course Keith and Chandy's annual St. Patty's day party but it looks like I was there for that as well!
However I just guarded the booze and then went to BW3 for some wings after the party!
The sister in the background is really enjoying the fact that I have a 6" tongue!
This is "Odo" a cop from Boston with a REALLY thick accent! Good guy and enjoyed the abuse I gave him as we all got hammered drinking our cokes! Classic Nutz! A little decompression after running around like tools all week long. I did get some new boots today. After we got released a few of us went to the exchange as how all week our "dogs" were barking. The lowest bidder some times is not the best bidder for military Boots. I decided on the Danner Boots!
They just felt good on my foot. I have a pair of Danner's that I wear hunting and they are fantastic. Will let ya know more about these as time goes by!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Day 7 Get some... More!
Another day at the rifle range the "Location of Hit or Miss" trainer. An electronic contraption that displays where you shoot when you shoot at targets 75M 175M and 300M I was a "spotter" if you will and sat on the range in front of a computer all day long. When I finally shot, I shot 160 bullets down range in one sitting. 80 with no armor on, 80 with armor on. A big difference. Good training, just long days. Always fun to the pull the trigger. wake up 0445 Chow at 0530 bus ride to the range at 0600. At the range until 1400 bus ride home, clean weapons, prep as necessary for next day, chow, shower, rest, repeat!
A couple of observations; my new call sign is "Crocs" for my day glow orange crocs I wear in the shower. Several of us have very similar political views which is scary and in some ways sad for the way we view the state of our nation politically and economically. Perma-dirt has set in I will have to take a picture to better explain! Note the action photo of the ejected bullet flying through the air... They are hot when they land on skin!
A couple of observations; my new call sign is "Crocs" for my day glow orange crocs I wear in the shower. Several of us have very similar political views which is scary and in some ways sad for the way we view the state of our nation politically and economically. Perma-dirt has set in I will have to take a picture to better explain! Note the action photo of the ejected bullet flying through the air... They are hot when they land on skin!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Day 6 At the rifle range!
Daaa daaaaa da da da adadadadad da I am Iron Man! Well ok kevlar and ceramic man at the eye popping weight of 42 pounds! Rifle and pistol shooting today. Oh did I mention it was raining! If it aint rainin we aint trainin... Uniform for wet weather is wet fatigues! for some reason we all were talking about motrin on the ride home? Maybe it is that fact that the class average age is 38 or that we sling on our k-pots, vests, camel backs, elbow pads, knee pads, eye protection, ear protection about 5000 times a day? Beware nutz can sling the lead!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Day 5
So today started out with a 445am wake up call. Then we all marched over for some good old Army PT and a 1 mile run. I did well with this assessment, I ran the mile in 7:30. Not nearly the speed freak as my Germany days however not a slouch for being 30+.
Next chow then a road march with all of our battle rattle to the laser ranger where we traded in our bullet launchers for laser tag bat, lied down on the floor in a big trailer and let the computer work the magic of rifle range simulation. Interesting. After we cycled through, it was of course lunch time from out of a bag and then on a bus to the Humvee extraction assistance trainer or HEAT device. Essentially a carnival ride simulating a turned over hummer. With all of our armor on we got to ride the ride. It was a tight squeeze getting into the drivers side and an even tighter, uncomfortable experience getting out of the hummer. For added fun we got to drive some humvees around a course. Cool, bring on the super hets! I will try to sneak in a few shots tomorrow at the range in full battle rattle!
Next chow then a road march with all of our battle rattle to the laser ranger where we traded in our bullet launchers for laser tag bat, lied down on the floor in a big trailer and let the computer work the magic of rifle range simulation. Interesting. After we cycled through, it was of course lunch time from out of a bag and then on a bus to the Humvee extraction assistance trainer or HEAT device. Essentially a carnival ride simulating a turned over hummer. With all of our armor on we got to ride the ride. It was a tight squeeze getting into the drivers side and an even tighter, uncomfortable experience getting out of the hummer. For added fun we got to drive some humvees around a course. Cool, bring on the super hets! I will try to sneak in a few shots tomorrow at the range in full battle rattle!
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
The Ohio State University's Anti-Gun Policy Saves lives....
COLUMBUS, Ohio—An Ohio State University janitor who was about to lose his job walked into a maintenance building for his early morning shift Tuesday and shot two supervisors, killing one of them and fatally shooting himself. No students were hurt.
Just think if this former criminal really had an axe to grind we could be looking at another Virginia Tech event!
Transportation and Use of Weapons
The Ohio State University Sport Club members utilizing weapons in their club's activities
must be aware of university rules pertaining to the presence of firearms and other weapons
on campus and each member must realize their obligation with regard to these guidelines
and the consequences of any violations to these guidelines.
Current university policies prohibit weapons, genuine or facsimile, on campus property
(including parking lots).
Obviously the janitor did not adhere to this rule!
This policy applies to anyone involved in a Recreational Sports
sponsored event (students, faculty, staff, and visitors). Weapons prohibited include, but are
not limited to rearms (i.e. handguns, rifles, shotguns, facsimile firearms- including laser tag
toys); illegal knives (i.e. foil, epee, and sabre swords); clubs (i.e. wooden swords, staffs,
bows and nunchakus); and armor-piercing ammunition. Only with permission from the
Sport Club office can an exception be made to allow use and transportation of
weapons on campus. (See Code of Student Conduct 3335-25-01 (D) for complete
information on the university's policy.)
Day 4
Today we got guns, training, more training and even more training. Some medical training. I now know how to insert a nose breathing tube and relieve chest pressure via a 14 guage needle stuck in between the 2nd and 3rd rib. One would do this if you have a sucking chest wound. In my humble opinion, all chest wounds suck! More fun tomorrow 0445AM wake up!
Monday, March 08, 2010
Day 3
Still here! Got our basic load of body armor TA-50 and other Gucci items. The body armor is quite heavy, crazy! Anyhow I will take pictures when I can and keep uploading to the Ft. Jackson folder so check back early and often. Tomorrow is weapons and such!
Have pretty much met everyone who is part of the project, an interesting group from all over the place. Interesting and all have a pretty good outlook on things. All considered should be a good group!
Have pretty much met everyone who is part of the project, an interesting group from all over the place. Interesting and all have a pretty good outlook on things. All considered should be a good group!
Check it out..
We might be on a watch list some where with the secret service~!
"In the 13 months that Barack Obama has been the occupant of the Oval Office he has been the subject of an extraordinary outpouring of emotion from the American electorate. At the start it was largely adulatory, though more recently the adoration has been drowned out by a cacophony of criticism from tea party activists, birthers, global-warming deniers and viewers of Fox News. At the same time, largely hidden from view, there has been a layer of antagonism towards Obama that lies well beyond the boundaries of reasonable political debate."
Soo. what does this mean?
"In the 13 months that Barack Obama has been the occupant of the Oval Office he has been the subject of an extraordinary outpouring of emotion from the American electorate. At the start it was largely adulatory, though more recently the adoration has been drowned out by a cacophony of criticism from tea party activists, birthers, global-warming deniers and viewers of Fox News. At the same time, largely hidden from view, there has been a layer of antagonism towards Obama that lies well beyond the boundaries of reasonable political debate."
Soo. what does this mean?
Gringos at the beach

Sunday, March 07, 2010
Day 2
Well my first day here at sunny Ft. Jackson. Laid back and an opportunity to “acclimate” get things in order and ready for training to begin in earnest on Monday. Had some great Army food in the dining facility or DFAC.
Rubbed shoulders with a chaplain who is going through training as well; chaplains, priest, men of the cloth and Nutz is not something that goes together well in the minds of most who know me. However military chaplains play a very important role in the psychological and emotional well being of soldiers and sailors. When I was a young officer in the Army I leaned heavily on the chaplains to solve difficult personal problems. Their wealth of knowledge and non judgmental approach really helped. I was quite disappointed in the Navy’s use of chaplains. In the Army we had one at every battalion. In the Navy you are lucky if you get one for the whole battle group. A shame.
Met most the officers who will be working in the program that I am a part of. A good day, even went for a short run around the compound. Was a nice day sunny, clear, relatively warm.
Tomorrow is some in processing stuff in the morning then off to get all of our tactical gear/TA-50/RFI stuff. Bring on the K-pot and MOLLE gear!
Contemplating... war wounds from "fighting" with Cupcake and her hair brush!
Dig my sweet brown t-shirt? Had to get a pillow and a "woobie" to make life a little more comfortable!
Saturday, March 06, 2010
I miss my Cup Cake
So I have begun my adventure fly fishing. I can tell you the last few days have not been easy. Little cup cake is going to have some challenges, especially with her mother. The biggest challenge is for momma to stay awake until cupcake falls asleep in the evenings. I can just see it now, momma sawing logs while little CC is playing with power tools in the garage! Both will be just fine and the support network we have is fantastic. I think their social calendar will be full for the next few weekends!
So I am off to the southlands to begin the training pipeline. I will try and share as much as I can when I can. I am confident my days will be busy hurry up and wait. Some of you remember the commercial where the army bubba says, “We do more before 9am then most people do all day!” Well, from my experience, this in some ways is true, however I have slightly modified the phase to, “We waste more time before 9am then most people do all day!” So, I was a little disgruntled at jump school where I was up at 3am on my 21st birthday getting ready to go jump out of airplanes when I should have been going to bed in a drunken stupor! A story for another time.
The double shot of Glenfiddich is starting to wane so I think I will switch mediums and read a little Glenn Beck.
Tuesday, March 02, 2010
Gear Issue
My first batch of "Gear" aka software that I will be getting! Washed and ready to be packed up for the trip!
Hats, boots, trousers, shirts, socks, rain coat, rain pants, boonie hat, sweat pants, hoodie, fleece, flash gear, misc pt gear stuff!
Monday, March 01, 2010
Granny did NOT have a stroke however that IS granny!
Interesting read from CNET however I wonder if my brother will get any $$ for the picture that he took? I would pursue it...
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Days Hours and Minutes to the end of the Myan Calendar
Democrat = Tax Cheat
المسلحة الكافر = Armed Infidel
Change has come to Washington D.C.
Our 2009 Tax return to the US Govt = I.O.U.
Thank you California for setting the stage.
Thanks for voting America!
Change has come to Washington D.C.
Our 2009 Tax return to the US Govt = I.O.U.
Thank you California for setting the stage.
Thanks for voting America!