Saturday, March 27, 2010

Days 17, 18, 19, 20, 21

Day 17 Monday Did our convoy event today.  As how I lived this in a former life time, I was unanimously selected to be the convoy commander.  Our group did well, no vehicle got smoked so I guess that means we paid attention in class.  However that might not be the case in reality.  A serious training event as how the modus operandi of our enemy is to use IEDs.

In the evening we had in interesting visit from the Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Roughhead.  We were allowed to ask questions.  Mine, late in the game, concerend the new health care legislation and how it would affect the military.  He said Tricare will remain untouched with the exception of coverage for adult kids going from 23 to 26.  We shall see how long Tricare and VA health care benefits remain untouched.  Oh that is right, VA medical benefits for our veterans is a good service?!  He is a black-shoe.. I was not impressed!

 Also got a travel brief.  Glad I am not going to Udari Range! 

Day 18 Tuesday today we had a class on the code of conduct.  Although it centered around the Geneva convention, I would have really like to have known how our enemies view the Geneva convention.  I am sure they are huge supporters.  We also turned in weapons and other non essential gear. 

Day 19 Wednesday.  We really did not do a whole lot today other then prep to move.  Some folks were headed to the airport for a charter flight to the desert, others were waiting for a bus or in our case commercial flights, which we still did not have tickets.  Ugh!

Day 20 Thursday Our travel day after much much craziness to get the flights and stuff.  I do not like the center row of an airplane unless I can snuggle up with the people to me left and right!

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Days Hours and Minutes to the end of the Myan Calendar

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Democrat = Tax Cheat

المسلحة الكافر = Armed Infidel

Change has come to Washington D.C.

Our 2009 Tax return to the US Govt = I.O.U.
Thank you California for setting the stage.

Thanks for voting America!