Ok, this will be an interesting one for you not so technically savvy individuals. I am sitting on the Lewes-Cape May Ferry typing away on my new Dell Laptop. It was decided that the Laptop I was using before just was not cutting the mustard. Anyhow the day is beautiful, the sun us out and the temp indicator on the Saabster was reading 68 degrees. The wind is out of the south west and a little cool however the warm fall sun more then makes up for it.
Some may ask, Nutz, it is a work day, what are you doing on the ferry? If I was a little sick and twisted I would tell you I am enjoying myself on the fairy! Hopefully she looks like Tinkerbell! Ok, so I am on the car ferry heading north to Rhode Island for TAO or Tactical Action Officer School. What the school entails, I do not know however I am sure I will know a lot more about the next month and a half after Monday.
So I left Norfolk this morning around 9am. From the house to Lewes Delaware is about 150miles. I covered the distance in a little over 2 1/2 hours. Not too shabby and it was a great ride along the Eastern Shore especially with the fall colors in all of their splendor. I still think it would be a wise investment to purchase some real estate on the Eastern Shore. The population of the earth is not getting any smaller and I think this area will eventually grow from its current “sleepy” rural state.
As for those who track fuel prices, the cheapest I saw in Virginia was $2.17 pretty much everywhere along the shore. Maryland the prices were a little higher, around $2.25. The best as a quick fuel and pee break for me was in Delaware, a few short miles from the ferry pier, $2.15. The same price I paid at Sam’s in Virginia Beach a couple of days ago. Damn fuel mafia!
Did I tell you I am listening to Jimmy Buffet as we cross the mouth of the Delaware Bay? I also hear a fog horn in the distance. Pretty cool. In my short life time I have sailed across the bay, motored across the bay and a couple of weeks ago, I flew across the bay in a helicopter. Fun stuff. Some day maybe I will row a boat across the bay like old George Washington.
I guess I will put this on hold for a few until I can write again. I will have to definitely have a few comments after the trip up the Jersey Shore and through the Big Apple. I am hoping I don’t hit the city during rush hour, especially a Friday Rush hour!
Well I jinxed myself; I did hit some rush hour traffic coming out of the Big Apple. I pretty much sat in bumper to bumper traffic from the city all the way East to Bridgeport Connecticut. Did I tell you I was just in Bridgeport, Connecticut a few weeks ago to pick up new helicopter at the Sikorsky Factory?
My how things have changed.
Anyhow I am now here Sunny Newport Rhode Island and well it is kind of nice. I am not sure how to describe it a little like Beaufort and a little like back home in Michigan. However if time period dictated the architecture, the Whitehall, specifically the Wabbinego side of the lake is a lot like it is here. Plus there is a boat load of $$ here, pun intended. A bit of a sailing community and of course home to the Americas cup for more then 150 years.
So what can I tell ya? The base is old and has been here for a long time. The room I am in has been recently remodeled and is not too shabby but no where near the crib I had up in DC. Oh well maybe some other time. The biggest complaint I have so far is signage denoting where exactly the entrance to the base is. I drove around the city for about 45 minutes looking for the main gate. I actually had to stop and ask a cop as to where the main gate was located. A bit embarrassing considering my transportation roots. My soldiers would be disappointed knowing that I had to ask for directions here in the land of the 24 hour PX.
For fun, I walked the streets of old Newport where the streets are actually illuminated at night with gas. Complete with wicks and flame. This gives the town an interesting glow. I kind of like it.
I also looked to my roots and drove around a little on Saturday and Sunday. Saturday was a close in drive where I went out to the tip of Newport, the city and surrounding countryside are actually located on an island, the name of which eludes me at this time. Anyhow I followed my nose and the street signs and found the ocean. Along the way I did drive by several very, very large homes. I guess you could cal it old money is here in Newport. Must be nice. A very beautiful drive.
Sunday I drove all the way around Narragansset Bay. This trip had dual purposes. Firstly I wanted to do it because it would be fun. Secondly, I was reconning a route to the Providence Airport so I will be ready to recover my wife when she arrives here this coming Thursday night. Lets say it is much sorter to go West then it is to go East to get to the airport. However it cost a few more $$ to go East then by going west, go figure?
So there you have it, Initial impressions of Newport. From my room in the 4th floor of the BOQ, I look south and can see the masts of large multimillion dollar sail boats. I can also see the setting moon as it passes into the western horizon. A nice view, however not nearly as nice a view I I have back home over looking the Chesapeake Bay!
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