As usual we did not spend new years eve asleep shortly after the ball dropped in the Big Apple. Hardly the case with us. This year was unlike last years blow out however it was fun none the less and a great way to spend an evening and kill time to the big event.
Keith and Chandy had Ant-Knee, his lovely wife, Ms Anne, Larry, Chris and of course Nutz and Crackerz over for a little holiday treat and a progessive 8 course dinner complete with all the fixings and some fantastic creme bru-lay! for desert. A great way to spread out the courses and occupy our minds and stomachs. Chandy is a great cook and Keith well he likes to ambush us with whitty comments. A fun couple and great friends. As was the rest of the crowd we hung with on this night.
2005 was a great year, full of fun and rewarding experiances. I am glad we had the opportunity to spend it with some great people and of course meet new and exciting people as well. Change is part of the game, if we are not changing well things are just plain boring. Thanks to all who had an impact on us in 2005. Even those bad apples who left a sour taste in mine or Crackerz mouth. If it was not for you knuckle heads, we would have no one to laugh about, except maybe oursleves.
Here a question to ponder over the next 365 days, what are we calling this decade we are in? It is no longer the nineties, how about the oughts? Ought-six should be pretty darn good.
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