At naval station whitetrash lanes!
Yep the Dewbehrs were out in force on Saturday night living large and playing the ultimate game from Milwakee. Good times were had by all, especially after Nutz had a full pitcher of budweiser in his gut. This, by the way is when he bolwed his trukey! Crackerz did well for a beginner however she will have to work on her form and swing... Lawarence of Q8 also did quite well but his perfomance rapidly deteriorated after pitcher #2 of bud! However consistancy for the night goes to the lovely Mrs Behr... she could not be stopped! Until nex time my dear. Plan on the lanes being the starting point for the "whitetrash" party!
A little known AMF triva for you.. Bolwing alleys are made in Muskegon Michigan by AMF, American Manufactureres of Fun! Go figure.
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